∞ generated and posted on 2022.09.30 ∞
Links to Google Scholar profiles of phage workers.
Please cite as:
Stephen T. Abedon
Phage Scholars.
If you are researcher with phage publications, please send me the URL to your Google Scholar profile. For example, this is mine. Please send by posting your profile URL as a comment to the corresponding posts (ideally the latest of them) found in the phage.org/BEG Facebook account: Bacteriophage Ecology Group. If you don't have a Google Scholar profile, please consider generating one. Instructions on how to do so can be found here. Please feel free to both spread the word and to make suggestions as to who to add, i.e., do send me the URLs to Google Scholar profiles of phage workers other than yourself. |
The following is a list of arranged in alphabetical order:
A formal Google Scholar entry for individuals marked with * so far as I know does not exist.
Those shown in italics are deceased.