Bad Phage Terms

∞ generated and posted on 2017.03.20 ∞

Various phage terms exist which are ambiguous or improperly used, some of which generally should not find their way into publications or even conversations, especially without being precisely defined at the outset… Here a list and discussion of such terms is provided.

Please cite as:

Stephen T. Abedon
Bac Phage Terms.

The problem with bad terms is that not only do they create problems for others, but generally it is those who actually understand a subject for which the problems arise. That is, and unfortunately, if someone doesn't know that they are not communicating precisely, then they are going to be the last to realize this.

I won't claim to be any less clueless than anybody else, but nevertheless I have identified a number of phage terms for which every time I read or hear them I honestly don't have a clue as to what, precisely, is the intended meaning.

There likely are two underlying bases of these errors, one being insufficient familiarity with the phage literature and the other being excessive familiarity with those aspects of the phage literature in which proper term use has not been, uh, rigorously policed.

Below I provide a list of problem phage terms. I've written on many of these before, both online and off, and in fact supply a number of articles in which I have discussed these (as always, look for the call outs containing the double quotation mark). Obviously I am not going to achieve completeness, so please enlighten me as to your favorite pet peeve.

Otherwise, I separate this list into a number of categories: Multiple meanings (ambiguous terms), Terms that are used poorly, Terms that are not used correctly (yes, with much overlap with the previous category), Terms that we probably would be better off, seriously, not using at all, etc.

At a minimum these terms should always be well defined upon use and ideally with associated references justifying their use as so defined.

Remember, only you can prevent poor usage!!!

Discussed are Latent Period, Lysis From Without, Sedondary Infection, Virulent, Episomal, Lambdoid Phage, Lysogenic, Lysis From Without (yes, again), Lytic Phage, Polyvalent, Superinfection Immunity, Superinfection Exclusion, Multiplicity of Infection, Phage Rise, Prophage, Carrier State, Pseudolysogeny, Adolescent Period, and Lysogenic Phage. Also discussed are Bacterial Half Lives, Bacteriophage Therapy, Infection, Lytic Cycle, Poisson Distributions, Spot Testing, and, simply, Virus.

Multiple Meanings (Ambiguous Terms):

Poorly Used Terms:

Terms Used Incorrectly:

Terms That Probably Should Not be Used:

Terms That Seriously Should Not be Used:
